Análise do Comportamento do Custo com a Água: Estudo de Caso na Companhia ALFA
Rodrigo Fonseca de Araujo, Edzana Roberta Ferreira da Cunha Vieira, Giovana Tonetto Segantini, Clayton Levy Lima de Melo
Esta pesquisa foi realizada com a perspectiva de aprofundar o conhecimento nas empresas do ramo da construção civil e, mais especificamente, a importância de se conhecer os custos que envolvem o processo de elaboração de um produto ou serviço. Foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico e empírico, o qual tem como objetivo geral analisar se as variações dos custos de água da Companhia Alfa, empresa da construção civil situada na cidade do Natal/RN, podem ser explicadas pelas mudanças nos níveis de atividade, expressos pelo "número de unidades construídas" e "materiais diretos". Esse empreendimento possui 48 unidades construídas verticalmente e seu processo de construção ocorreu entre os anos de 2004 e 2008. A verificação dos dados ocorreu através de aplicação de métodos estatísticos a fim de determinar a existência de correlação linear entre as variáveis estudadas, bem como elaborar a função custo de cada uma dessas relações. Essa equação demonstra até que ponto o custo da água se apresentou como fixo e em quais proporções ele sofreu variação, além de possibilitar a predição de valores do custo com a água diante de valores estabelecidos para as variáveis explicativas. Após a análise dos dados desta pesquisa, pôde-se concluir que realmente existe uma correlação linear forte entre as variáveis estudadas, além de ter sido possível construir as funções custo dessas duas variáveis independentes. Portanto, é possível predizer valores do custo com a água ao se analisar o número de unidades construídas ou ao seutilizar do custo com os materiais diretos aplicados na obra.
Palavras-chaves: Construção Civil. Custo com a água. Processo
This research was conducted with the purpose of deepening the knowledge in business building industry and, more specifically, the importance of knowing the costs involved the process of developing a product or service. We conducted a literature and empirical study which aims at analyzing whether the variations in the cost of water in Company Alfa, a construction company located in the city of Natal/RN, can be explained by changes in activity levels expressed by the "number of units built" and "direct materials". This development has 48 units built vertically and its construction process occurred between
2004 and 2008. Review of data occurred through the application
of statistical methods to determine the existence of linear correlation between these variables and to develop the cost function of each of these relationships. This equation shows how much the cost of water was presented as fixed and in what proportions it has suffered variation, and allows the prediction of values of the cost with the water before the values established for the explanatory variables. After analyzing the research data, it was concluded that there is indeed a strong linear correlation between the variables studied, and it was
possible to build the cost functions of these two independent variables. Therefore, it is possible to predict values of the cost of water by analyzing the number of units built or by using the cost of direct materials used in the work.
Key words: Civil Construction. Cost of water. Decision process.
Palavras-chaves: Construção Civil. Custo com a água. Processo
This research was conducted with the purpose of deepening the knowledge in business building industry and, more specifically, the importance of knowing the costs involved the process of developing a product or service. We conducted a literature and empirical study which aims at analyzing whether the variations in the cost of water in Company Alfa, a construction company located in the city of Natal/RN, can be explained by changes in activity levels expressed by the "number of units built" and "direct materials". This development has 48 units built vertically and its construction process occurred between
2004 and 2008. Review of data occurred through the application
of statistical methods to determine the existence of linear correlation between these variables and to develop the cost function of each of these relationships. This equation shows how much the cost of water was presented as fixed and in what proportions it has suffered variation, and allows the prediction of values of the cost with the water before the values established for the explanatory variables. After analyzing the research data, it was concluded that there is indeed a strong linear correlation between the variables studied, and it was
possible to build the cost functions of these two independent variables. Therefore, it is possible to predict values of the cost of water by analyzing the number of units built or by using the cost of direct materials used in the work.
Key words: Civil Construction. Cost of water. Decision process.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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