Viagem histórica pelo vestuto mundo da contabilidade
Miguel Gonçalves
O artigo assume a finalidade de apresentar uma resenha sobre a evolução do pensamento contabilístico, efectuando, para o efeito, uma viagem pela Contabilidade de algumas das mais interessantes civilizações da Antiguidade Oriental e Clássica. A digressão vem acompanhada pela exposição sumária das principais razões que motivaram a necessidade do desenvolvi mento da Contabilidade em cada uma dessas civilizações. Tenta-se, também, caracterizar e descrever o material contabilístico que sobreviveu até aos nossos dias e que se encontra documentado, realçando-se, contudo, a principal dificuldade inerente a esta temática: o reduzido número de documentos contabilísticos resistentes à inexorável passagem do tempo.
The main purpose of the paper is to present a summary regarding the evolution of the accounting knowledge, by means of looking back through the History of Accounting to some of the most interesting civilizations of Oriental and Classical Antiquity. The digression is accomplished by exposing the summary of the main reasons that motivated the necessity to the development of Accounting in each of these civilizations. We try, as well, to characterize and describe the accounting material that has survived until today and that is documented, though emphasizing the principal difficulty that is inherent to this theme: the reduced number of accounting documentation that has resisted the inexorable passing of times.
Palavras-chave: Origem da Contabilidade; História da Contabilidade; Contabilidade Romana; Civilizações da Antiguidade Clássica; Evolução do Pensamento Contabilístico; Registos Contabilísticos.
The main purpose of the paper is to present a summary regarding the evolution of the accounting knowledge, by means of looking back through the History of Accounting to some of the most interesting civilizations of Oriental and Classical Antiquity. The digression is accomplished by exposing the summary of the main reasons that motivated the necessity to the development of Accounting in each of these civilizations. We try, as well, to characterize and describe the accounting material that has survived until today and that is documented, though emphasizing the principal difficulty that is inherent to this theme: the reduced number of accounting documentation that has resisted the inexorable passing of times.
Key words: The Origin of Accounting; History of Accounting; Roman Accounting; Civilizations of Classical Antiquity; Evolution of Accounting Knowledge; Accounting Records
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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