Tamanho da fonte:  Menor  Médio  Maior

The impact of the level of disclosure on the Return on Asset and Return on Equity indicators of Brazilian publicly traded companies in the education sector.

Antonio Carlos Magalhães da Silva, Alessandro Antunes Leandro, Paulo Roberto da Costa Vieira


Due to the economic globalization and, consequently, the narrowing of trade relations on a global scale, the adaptation of accounting language at the international level became necessary. One of the significant changes arising from the standardization and convergence process for a global accounting model is disclosure because of the need to qualify the information disclosed by the companies to their stakeholders. In Brazil, publicly traded companies also had to adapt to changes arising from this process, especially in the disclosure of information. Together with this set of legal and voluntary information, the application of the accounting technique to analyze the financial statements contributes in a relevant way to the analysis of the economic and financial situation of companies and, therefore, represents an important instrument to support decision making. Therefore, this research had the purpose of evaluating the impact of the level of disclosure on the accounting indicators Profitability on Assets and Profitability on Shareholders' Equity. The approach used in the study was quantitative and explanatory with the application of multiple linear regression with panel data with fixed effect. The results obtained on the degree of significance reveal that the greater the disclosure of strategic and operational information, the lower the profitability of the companies. On the other hand, it demonstrates that Student Financing Fund for Higher Education has contributed to a considerable increase in the enrollment of new students, which has resulted in a significant growth in the economic-financial results of the companies.

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ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3